Friday, January 24, 2014

Honestly Lately

Happy new year! It's nearly a month into 2014 and I have no idea where the time has gone.  It has been a "blink and you miss it month."  In the days leading up to January 1st I spent lots of time thinking of new year's resolutions.  Make more, work harder, keep the house clean, blog more, watch less TV, the usual... while I was spending all that time thinking life got in the way.  This has been a month filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows.  My business has taken off in unexpected ways so I have been happily working in my studio producing custom orders and dreaming of new creations for the future. It has given me a kind of confidence that I have not had in a very very long time.  Right now I feel good, like I can really do it!

Other parts of my life have been a bit more of a struggle but from what I understand about life you have to take the good with the bad.  (Cue the Facts of Life theme song)  I'll be very honest with you... for Christmas all I wanted was to say I got the greatest gift of all which would be a little pink plus sign.  Every single month I shell out more and more money hoping for that little symbol on a small white stick and every month I only see the line that lets me know the stick is working but not working the way I hoped.  In my fantasies it would all happen at Christmas time so I could wear everyone out with saying what a great gift I got. I'm still hoping and hoping and spending more money on something that should be free.... seriously, a stick you pee on? I'm paying how much?  At least include a free piece of chocolate. 

I am also dealing with changes that are happening in my world that I have no control over and can only watch and hope for the best.  The control freak in me wants to wave a magic wand and make everything okay but what happens when you don't even know what "okay" is?

And not to lay it on too thick but my current job is becoming more and more temporary as I am in a situation where I am not permanently hired and have no idea what the future is going to hold.  Last summer I did not have a job and we were fine but I can see the relief in my husband's eyes that I have this steady gig so I know that to return to where we were before may be a bit more stressful than I hoped.  I'm honestly scared because I'm finding it harder and harder to make time for all the things I want to do for my business. I have had tons of work sitting and waiting to be photographed. You can see that I haven't blogged in a million years and it's something that I really miss. I used to be such a dreamer and I still am but the realities of life make it harder and harder to feel optimistic about making my dreams come true.

The last of my struggles, and I promise this is it, is this terrible weather.  I'm burning my favorite Spring-scented candle and trying not to think about how truly awful it is.  This is the worst it has been in years.  I am always dreaming about moving to Nashville and right now my dreams are in overload.  I can't believe it is still January. How much longer?  

Lets talk about good things.  My dear friend Courtney had a birthday and her wish was for a crafting date. She made the above cake and I added the candles.  I did not have THE ONLY NUMBER WE NEEDED (sorry for yelling!) so I made up for it with a pretty color scheme. We later changed it to our area code.  The cake was delicious and the crafting date was much needed. Our friend Robyn also joined us. Later that week I got the print you see below from Robyn in the mail. That girl is full of surprises. I swear she just sits at home and thinks of ways to make people feel better.  When it comes to friends I am the luckiest girl in town.

Speaking of friends, I have a group of friends and we call ourselves Pink Ice (a reference to the pink ice rings girls used to wear back in the 90s).  They are another example of what truly amazing friends I have.  They all live so far away so we rely on group text messages to get through our problems and to make each other laugh. They are printmakers at heart and wear the best fashions. Here are some of their websites: Meghan, Rachael, Katy, Claudia.

I tried to quit drinking coffee this week. I made it all the way up to today and caved and had a cup this morning.  I think I'd rather try to quit eating sweets and let myself have a big cup of coffee in the morning and tea all afternoon.  Next week no sweet treats.  I'll really try.

Today I am going to learn to play the ukelele.  I am super excited.

I should also mention how lucky I am to have a supportive family.  They have really been encouraging lately. If they had websites I would share those, too. My mom has been rocking it in the knitting department lately and I am so proud of her. I come from a family of strong women and I hope to make them proud.

Sorry for such a long post and to be a bit of a downer.  I just want to be honest.  I hope where ever you are you are warm and happy and eating a cookie.


courtney - larking. said...

XO, Ann. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you about a lot of things. And speaking of people sitting at home dreaming up ways to cheer people up - you are pretty awesome at that yourself. Enjoy your Friday!

Unknown said...

Give up coffee!? STOP IT.