Monday, May 24, 2010

The Power of Positive Thought

This morning I promised to be positive and I really think it's paying off. I even got a new piece of work in my shop and got some better images of previous work by using a scanner. 
Find this little heart piece here.
Having a scanner is so great. I just use the school's scanner but that's coming to an end soon. I need to get one. Any recommendations?
I hope you're having a fabulous day, too!


anna said...

What a great surprise!!!
I'll send you an email! Yes positivity works :)

SARAH said...

I love the second one <3

Epson is a pretty good scanner, easy software.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I started to have negative thoughts this morning - and guess what happened? Relatively crappy, weird day compared to all the other ones for over a week! Must. turn. back. to positive thinking.

Unknown said...


You've an extremely nice blog. A lot of people do not comprehend what mind power can do to one's achievements.